
Meet the team - Benny Cox

06/03/2022 • 2 min read

BSc Bachelor of Science Degree, MBA, HCPC Registered with the Healthcare Professional Council


Regional Manager Benny has been working at Hidden Hearing for 18 years now. Originally starting out as a hearing aid dispenser, Benny was promoted to Area Manager back in 2008. We recently caught up with Benny to chat about the ever-changing world of audiology.


Benny, tell us what exciting innovations are coming to market?

"Increased connectivity is going to be huge this year and in 2023. This will allow people to integrate their hearing technology to their busy lifestyles. Faster and more accurate processing of sound providing a continually improving sound performance will also be a big audiological advancement in 2022.  Similar to IOT - Internet of Things, audiology is relying more on connectivity and it will be possible to connect and integrate hearing aids to other technologies in the future."

What does the future of audiology look like?

"It looks very bright indeed. Thankfully any stigma associated with hearing instruments is now a thing of the past. People want to live a fulfilled and active lifestyle and are happy to seek help in their hearing health care. 60 is the new 40. Technology has allowed hearing health care to become smaller and much more discreet whilst at the same advancing hugely in technological terms. When I joined the industry, some adjustments were made on analogue hearing instruments using a screwdriver. Fast forward to today digital instruments with powerful microchips processing sounds and making thousands of decisions per second to produce outstanding quality of sound. The improvements on integration to lifestyle have been huge, with instruments now having the capability of connections to smartphones, reading your text messages or emails and channeling directly and discreetly into the ear."

Benny is passionate about hearing healthcare and the many advancements which are taking place in this sector.


"It's great to be part of the positive changes that are sweeping through the industry at both a national and international level. People's mindsets are changing and it's brilliant to see the stigma associated with hearing instruments finally coming to an end. Long may it continue! Hearing care should be on everyone's annual health check agenda."