Compare hearing aids prices, types and features

Image shows hearing aids and accessories

Hearing aids

At Hidden Hearing, we offer only the best digital hearing aids and accessories. We have all types of hearing aids from a variety of top hearing aid brands, including invisible hearing aids.

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 Our Downloadable Guide to Buying Hearing Aids

What is a hearing aid?

A modern hearing aid or hearing instrument is a small device that sits discreetly on the wearer’s head – usually behind the ear, or in the ear. Hearing aids amplify particular parts of the sound environment around the wearer.


Hearing aid technology
Digital hearing aids contain a powerful mini-computer. This takes data gathered by the microphones and analyses the sound environment. The computer is programmed to select the sounds you need help with. The best hearing aids amplify only these parts of the sound. They remove excess noise and play the personalised result directly in your ear.

4 popular types of hearing aids

Image shows an Invisible hearing aids in ear
Invisible hearing aids
The most discreet hearing aid models are in-the-ear (ITE). They’re almost invisible.
In-the-ear hearing aids
Image shows an visible hearing aid in the ear
Versatile hearing aids 
Behind-the-ear (BTE) models are available in various sizes and colours. They’re suitable for different levels of hearing loss.
Behind-the-ear hearing aids
Image shows a rechargeable hearing aid
Rechargeable hearing aids
Many modern hearing aids include rechargeable batteries with no compromise in sound quality or processing power.
Rechargeable hearing aids
Image shows a ear with hearing aid and a bluetooth icon
Bluetooth hearing aids
Models with bluetooth allow you to connect to other devices, such as smartphones and TVs.
Bluetooth hearing aids
NEW Hearing aids 2023

Hearing Aids Oticon Real™

With Oticon Real™ you can experience the sounds of the real world. By detecting and processing interference, Oticon Real gives you access to all meaningful sounds.

Hearing aid types comparison table

There’s more than one factor to consider when choosing a hearing aid. To make sure you get the one that’s right for you, you’ll need to consider a few things, such as the severity of your hearing loss, ear canal shape, dexterity, lifestyle, your budget and other personal preferences. The guide below will help you get to grips with the differences between the main types of hearing aids.

  Invisible-in-the- canalInvisible-in-the-canal Completely-in-the-canalCompletely-in-the-canal In-the-canalIn-the-canal Half/Full shell in-the-earHalf/Full shell in-the-ear miniRITE (Receiver-in- the-ear)
miniRITE (Receiver-in-the-ear)
miniRITE R (Receiver-in- the-ear)
miniRITE R (Receiver-in-the-ear)
Behind-the-ear Plus Power
Behind-the-ear Plus/Ultra Power
Most discreet - - -
Bluetooth connectivity  - -
Long battery life - - -
Easy to adjust volume and programmes - - -
Exchangeable battery -
Rechargeable battery - - - - - -
Mild to moderate hearing loss -
Severe hearing loss - - -
Profound hearing loss  - - - - - -

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Question 1 of 1
Have you used a hearing aid before?

Step 1 of 3

Hearing aid brands and models

There are many high-quality, reliable hearing aids on the market. Each brand or model is unique in its own way, and it can be difficult knowing where to start. We’ve brought together the most important information about the brands and models we offer at Hidden Hearing. This way, you can get a quick overview of all your available options. 

Hearing aids brands and models

We offer award-winning models from leading manufacturers

Latest technologies and features

Hearing solutions have gone through major technological innovations during the past decade. Today's digital hearing aids deliver better sound quality and can make your life easier through intelligent, high-tech features.

Illustration of a brain
BrainHearing™ technology
Hearing aids from Oticon with BrainHearing™ technology deliver more sound to the brain that's much clearer, all while improving speech understanding and reducing listening effort.
Illustration of a Bluetooth icon
Bluetooth connectivity
Bluetooth hearing aids allow you to wirelessly connect to a range of devices. You can hear music, take phone calls, and listen to TV audio, either directly in your hearing aid or via an app.
Bluetooth hearing aids
Illustration of a battery
Rechargeable batteries
Rechargeable batteries are good for the environment and your wallet when compared to disposable batteries, which you need to buy and throw away more often.
Rechargeable hearing aids
Illustration of a ear with sound in
Tinnitus support
People with hearing loss can also experience symptoms of tinnitus. Hearing aids can provide tinnitus relief by sending relief sounds to the ears, which help to decrease the annoyance of tinnitus.
Illustration of a shield with an ear in
Feedback reduction
Feedback (often experienced as a whistling sound) in modern hearing aids is much less common due to a new feedback reduction technology which greatly reduces this problem.
Illustration of a phone
Smartphone applications
Digital hearing aids can be connected to your smartphone and other phone apps, allowing you to manage hearing device settings and receive notifications on your smart device.
Image shows audiologist showing hearing aids to customers

What is the best hearing aid on the market?

Hearing aids are not one-size-fits-all solutions. We want to help you find the best model for your needs, one that’s tailored to you. To do this, we’ll help you carefully consider the following:

  • Your hearing ability
  • Hearing aid type & technology
  • Comfort
  • Price and quality
  • Your lifestyle and listening situations
  • Your dexterity / vision and other individual needs

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